Information About New York State Law

This federal lawsuit will not undo any default judgement against any Class member in New York state court. Even if this federal lawsuit succeeds on all claims for the Class, no such undoing will occur. Class Counsel are not authorized to assist Class members with currently ongoing events connected to a defualr judgement, such as garnishment. If you have questions about the existence of a defualr judgement against you, or about an event connected to it, those questions must be directed to an attorney other than Class Counsel who is licensed in New York State. 

Below are some links to additional information that are provided to you as a courtesy.

For information from the New York State Unified Court System for individuals who've been sued in state court debt collection cases and have questions about state law, please see the following website:

Certain attorney volunteer organizations in New York offer free legal assistance to individuals who've been sued in New York state court debt collection lawsuits. Below is a list of websites for some of these organizations. The list is not exhaustive, and is not a recommendations. You should look for an organization serving the county where the defualt judgement against you was obtained. 

New York City Boroughs & Westchester County:

Buffalo & Western New York:

Other New York Regions & Additional Information: